Daily Oral Habits Recommended by a General Dentist

Daily Oral Habits Recommended by a General Dentist from Brighter Smile Family Dentistry & Orthodontics in Sterling, VADuring a general dentistry appointment, your dentist will likely remind you about how you can keep your teeth healthy at home. While good oral health habits can seem like common knowledge, using the proper techniques and staying on top of them every day is important for your overall well-being.

Daily care routine

Keeping up with daily general dentistry care at home should only take a few minutes out of your day. By making these things a habit, you can greatly reduce your chances of developing oral health issues.


The most important part of your daily oral health care routine is brushing and flossing your teeth properly. Brushing should be done twice a day, usually in the morning and evening. You should choose a toothpaste containing fluoride and use about a pea-sized amount each time you brush.

Many people make a mistake when brushing their teeth is not taking the time to do a thorough job. Be sure to move the toothbrush in a circular motion, taking care to get all angles of the teeth, and put extra focus into areas near the gum line.

It would be best if you also brush your tongue after your teeth. As long as you are gentle, it should not be uncomfortable, and it can help freshen your breath and further reduce the amount of plaque in your mouth.


Many people, even those who remember to brush their teeth regularly, overlook the importance of daily flossing. Flossing removes plaque between the teeth that you would not be able to get to with a toothbrush. In addition, flossing helps keep your breath smelling fresh and promotes gum health. If flossing is forgotten, it is possible to develop cavities between the teeth and other issues, such as gum disease.

If you struggle with using traditional floss, consider alternatives such as flosser sticks. If you do not floss regularly, you may notice some sensitivity and bleeding, but this should begin to subside as you do it more often.

Mouthwash and other care

While not necessary, you may also consider using mouthwash as part of your general dentistry care. Mouthwash containing fluoride can help with cavity prevention. It is important not to think of it as a substitute for proper brushing and flossing but rather as an extra step that can also do some good.

Lifestyle and diet also have an impact on the health of your teeth. Cutting out sugary foods, especially beverages such as soda, can help you build up better oral health. In addition, habits such as smoking can be harmful to the teeth and gums and should be avoided if possible.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: General Dentistry in Sterling, VA


Maintaining a good general dentistry routine at home is a good way to avoid developing serious oral health issues. Problems with your oral health can greatly affect your well-being, and staying on top of care is worth it in the long run.

Request an appointment or call Brighter Smile Family Dentistry & Orthodontics at 703-994-4044 for an appointment in our Sterling office.

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